Standing Tall for a Spring Gobbler

Field Hudnall and his brother Clay go after a Spring Gobbler at first light. They have a great hide but their setup proves to be much more uncomfortable than they originally planned. The Gobbler is hot for the hen but he hangs way back…

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Traditional Archery with Tom Jenkins of Zipper Bows

Homegrown Experience's Field Hudnall and Glenn Eilers sit down with Zipper Bow's owner and bowyer, Tom Jenkins, to discuss the finer aspects of traditional bows and bowhunting. Glenn is Homegrown Experience's bow mechanic and has been shooting compound and traditional bows most of his…

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Handful of Velvet

In the 2016 election year, Austin Musselman targeted a deer they aptly named Trump. Sit in the stand and learn some useful tips on managing a new stand, stand placement, and observing deer behavior from the tree. You'll enjoy this hunt as another world-class…


Back-to-back World-class Bucks

As a bowhunter have you ever had your bow break just hours before getting into the stand on opening day of deer season knowing you might possibly have a shot at harvesting the largest typical frame Whitetail of your life? Homegrown Experience's very own…


Run-and-gun 101

In this video, veteran turkey hunters Austin Musselman and Field Hudnall explain the critical components of a successful run-and-gun style turkey hunt. Austin and Field grew up chasing Longbeards in the hills of Kentucky. They give some tips on strategy, calling techniques, mental preparedness,…


Silent Longbeards (How to Hunt) In this video Austin Musselman and Field Hudnall deal with a turkey hunting challenge that happens far too often...Gobblers that don't want to gobble. Sometimes you have to make a choice between Run N' Gun or sit and wait. The most successful turkey…


Hunting Florida Osceola – Part 2

In this video, Austin Musselman and Field Hudnall are on day 2 of their Florida Osceola turkey hunting adventure. A new day brings new conditions, and the gobblers are not wanting to play the game. Austin and Field have to get mobile with their…


Hunting Florida Osceola – Part 1

In this video Austin Musselman and Field Hudnall of Homegrown Experience are in Florida for the Turkey Season opener. This is Field's very first time hunting Florida for the highly coveted Osceola Turkey. On this hunt Field is the designated shooter and Austin is…


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